Psalm 119:172, "My tongue shall speak of Your word, For all Your commandments [are] righteousness" Come Worship With Us!! |
01/01 | Four Figures of Heaven |
pdf | video | handout |
01/08 | Two Builders |
pdf | video | handout |
01/16 | "ONE, TWO, THREE - ONE!" (Eph. 4:4-6) |
pdf | video | handout |
01/22 | "ONE, TWO, THREE - TWO!" (body/soul, marriage/divorce, second birth/death) |
pdf | video | handout |
01/29 | "ONE, TWO, THREE - THREE!" (Godhead) |
pdf | outline | no video | handout |
01/31 | "The Great Commandment" (a discussion/study) |
video |
02/05 | "PREPARE" (for our Gospel Meeting) |
pdf | video | handout |
02/10 | "Faith" - Gospel Meeting, John Hines |
video |
02/11 | "Hope" - Gospel Meeting, John Hines |
video |
02/12 | "Love" - Gospel Meeting, John Hines |
video |
02/19 | The Christian and Gambling |
pdf | video | handout |
02/26 | Triumph Over Temptation - 1 |
pdf | video | handout |
03/05 | Triumph Over Temptation - 2 |
pdf | video | handout |
03/12 | "Overcome Evil With Good" |
pdf | video | handout |
03/19 | "The Wheel of Redemption - What God Has Done" |
pdf | video| handout |
03/26 | "The Wheel of Redemption - The Historical Context of John 3:16 and Avoiding Bad Theology" |
pdf | no video| handout |
04/02 | "The Wheel of Redemption - Man's Response to the Gospel" |
pdf | video | handout |
04/09 | "How Can I Understand Church Discipline?" |
pdf | video | handout |
04/16 | "What Does Church Discipline Look Like?" |
pdf | video | handout |
04/23 | "Where Are the Dead?" |
pdf | video | handout |
04/30 | "Who Are the Rest of the Dead?" (Rev. 20:1-10) |
pdf | video | handout |
05/07 | "What Did John See?" (Rev. 20:11-15) |
pdf | video |
05/14 | "What Comes Up from the Grave?" |
pdf | video | handout |
5/21 | "Why Must the Church Discipline?" |
pdf | video | handout |
5/28 | "The Resurrection of Jesus" |
pdf | video |
6/04 | "Defeatism" |
pdf | video |
6/11 | "Farewell" |
video |
pptx= PowerPoint | pdf =Adobe files | video = YouTube | handout = sermon supplement